
Limestone Learning Foundation

A multi-pronged ventilation strategy is a key element as part of the various risk mitigation initiatives in place to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission and support healthier and safe learning environments for students and staff. 

School ventilation systems in all Limestone schools are regularly inspected to ensure they are in good working order. School boards are also optimizing air quality in schools through existing or upgraded Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems or stand-alone High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filtration units. Implemented measures are dependent on the type of ventilation and feasibility within the context of school facilities and related building systems. Classrooms that do not have filtered air, for example, will have HEPA unit(s) installed to ensure the air is changed frequently. 

  • Ventilation: Increasing the flow of outdoor/fresh air for diluting the concentration of any infectious particles.
  • Filtration: Involves the use of different types of fibrous media designed to remove particles from the airstream.

Beginning September 3, 2021, school boards will share a standardized ventilation measures report for the upcoming school year to enhance transparency and provide consistent communication across the province. This reporting requirement includes School Board Ventilation Strategy; School Board Ventilation Investments; and a School-level Ventilation and Filtration Measures Report.


School Board Ventilation Strategy

Measures to help reduce transmission risk in indoors settings:

  • Implement additional filter changes for increased and improved air flow and air quality in all filtered HVAC units.
  • Adjust building automation programing to increase HVAC run times from two hours before the building is occupied to two hours after the building has been vacated to increase the “flushing” of air within the building.
  • Adjust, where possible, the damper opening to increase the amount of fresh air that is supplied through the HVAC unit.
  • Ongoing operational audits of all HVAC equipment are completed via HVAC technicians. The deficiencies noted are rectified in a timely manner.


School Board Ventilation Investments

The Ministry of Education has provided school boards with funding to support and improve ventilation in schools. This includes measures that the board implemented from 2020 to 2023. These measures will continue to be implemented for the 2023-2024 school year.

  • Since 2020-2021, Limestone has allocated $15.5 million in ventilation funding to support 51 ventilation projects, and 54 schools received an investment, which is 100% of total schools in the board.
  • The board has deployed 1,427 stand-alone HEPA air filtration units to all school sites. 
  • All Kindergarten classrooms will also be equipped with HEPA units regardless of the type of ventilation in the school as per Ministry of Education guidelines.
  • Limestone currently has 10 planned ventilation projects for 2023-2024 valued at $3.3 million.

Please note, this includes spending from dedicated ventilation programs, federal-provincial funding, provincial renewal funding and supplemental funding from other board sources.


School-level Ventilation and Filtration Measures Report

School-level Ventilation and Filtration Measures Report provides each school's type of ventilation, ventilation assessment information, filter information, fresh air intake information and the number of HEPA units. This information is accurate at the time of posting and will be updated as additional HEPA units are installed.

The Limestone District School Board is situated on traditional territories of the Anishinaabe & Haudenosaunee.