Board Committees & Meetings

Limestone Learning Foundation

The Board of Trustees meetings are established at the start of each new school year and are normally held on the second Wednesday of each month commencing at 6 p.m. at the Limestone District School Board Education Centre (Administration Office), 220 Portsmouth Ave., Kingston, ON unless otherwise stated.

Board meetings are open to the public to observe. A meeting of a committee of the Board, including a Committee of the Whole Board, may be closed to the public when certain matters, as outlined in legislation, are discussed. 

In its attempts to govern the system in an effective and efficient manner, the members of the Board may establish such standing and other committees as it deems necessary. The purpose, powers and duties, and membership of each committee shall be approved by the Board as required.

Audit Committee: The Audit Committee is responsible for overseeing the financial reporting process of the Board. This responsibility includes communications with the external auditor concerning the auditor's roles and responsibilities within the financial reporting process. 

Budget Committee: The Budget Committee is responsible for making recommendations to the Board concerning the development of the annual budget, and on any aspects of the Board's financial affairs. 

Education Policy and Operations Committee (EPOC): The Education, Policy and Operations Committee, a Committee of the Whole Board,  is responsible for developing the Board’s aims and objectives and for the delivery of appropriate programs as well as make recommendations to the Board on aspects of aspects of Board operations and building and property management.

Environmental Sustainability Advisory Committee (ESAC): The Environmental Sustainability Advisory Committee provides an avenue for community involvement and receives advice and input from the community. The committee may make recommendations to the Board regarding the establishment and development of education programs and practices of the Board that are related to environmental sustainability. 

Parent Involvement Committee (PIC): The Parent Involvement Committee is comprised of a majority of parents that is directly linked to the Director of Education and Trustees. Its purpose is to provide a valuable service to our school community as a support system, as an advisory group, and as a forum where educational topics and issues are investigated with a focus on parent engagement.

School Enrolment/School Capacity Committee: The School Enrolment/School Capacity Committee is a Committee of the Whole Board whose mandate is to review school accommodation data and prepare recommendations for formal Board approval. 

Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC): The Special Education Advisory Committee may make recommendations to the Board in any matter affecting the establishment and development of special education programs and services in respect of exceptional students of the Board. This committee provides an avenue for community involvement and receives advice and input from the community. The SEAC Committee is mandated by Ontario Regulation 464/97. 

The Limestone District School Board is situated on traditional territories of the Anishinaabe & Haudenosaunee.