Delegations & Submissions

Limestone Learning Foundation


Limestone District School Board Trustees are locally-elected representatives of the public, and they are the community’s advocate for public education. As elected officials, Trustees must balance the demands of the community with the duties required by the Ministry of Education.

Persons wishing to make delegations on educational issues to the Board or its committees must follow the Delegations and Submissions process as outlined in Policy 13 - Delegations and Submissions.

Regular Meetings of the Board are held on one Wednesday of most months at 6:00 p.m. at the Limestone District School Board Education Centre (Administration Office), 220 Portsmouth Ave., Kingston, Ontario, unless otherwise stated. Please refer to the Board Meeting Calendar for upcoming meetings. 

Applications must be made in person or in writing to the Secretary of the Board (Director of Education). The Secretary of the Board, in consultation with the Chair and the Agenda Setting Committee, will ascertain whether a Board committee or the whole Board should hear the submission and arrange to have the Board or committee advised, through the agenda process, of the substance of the presentation.

If you wish to make a presentation to Trustees at a meeting, please contact the Director's Office at 613.544.6925 ext. 235 (or 1-800-267-0935 ext. 235) and complete the Board's Request to Delegate Registration Form

Persons wishing to submit written communication on educational issues for inclusion in a Board Meeting Agenda must follow the Delegations and Submissions process as outlined in Policy 13 - Delegations and Submissions.

An individual may provide a written submission to the Board by mailing a letter to the Chair of the Board, or writing an e-mail addressed to the Chair of the Board and emailing it to Shauna Mitton at [email protected].

The Agenda Setting Committee shall determine when, and if, the submission will be included as internal/external correspondence as part of an upcoming Board agenda.  Normally this would be the next scheduled meeting. Submissions must be received by 12:00 noon, four business days prior to the next scheduled Board Meeting. As an example, for a Wednesday meeting, a submission must be received by 12:00 noon on the preceding Thursday. Any submissions received after that time will be included in the following Board meeting.

If, in the opinion of the Agenda Setting Committee, a submission should not be considered by the Board or its committees, the Secretary shall advise the persons who are being refused, giving reasons in writing, and copy all Board members on the response. This communication shall appear as an item of information in the next agenda of the Board following the refusal. Any submission deemed libelous or contrary to the limitations outlined in 1.9.0 will not be considered. Refused submissions will have their correspondence shared with all Board members, but this correspondence would not be included as part of a Board agenda.

The Limestone District School Board is situated on traditional territories of the Anishinaabe & Haudenosaunee.