The Limestone District School Board is committed to upholding human rights, and creating an equitable, inclusive, and accessible school climate that ensures all students, staff, and members of the broader school community feel safe, comfortable, and accepted. We want everyone who learns, works, or volunteers in LDSB to value diversity, demonstrate respect for others, and commit to establishing a just, caring society. We know that diversity enriches the educational and employment experience of everyone.
The Board champions a welcoming and open atmosphere in our schools to ensure students see themselves reflected in their curriculum, their learning, and their school environment. The Board is committed to creating an environment that allows each individual to reach their full potential. Limestone has an Equity and Inclusive Education Administrative Procedure which aligns with Ontario's Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy. This procedure outlines the Board’s programs, guidelines, and practices, ranging from curriculum and assessment to religious accommodation, with the aim of creating a welcoming school climate and preventing discrimination and harassment. Limestone’s Equity Action Plan demonstrates our commitment to embedding equity at all levels of our system. The Plan is modelled on Ontario’s Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy and Ontario’s Education Equity Action Plan (2017) and encompasses school and classroom, leadership and governance, human resource practices, data collection integration and reporting, and organizational culture change in our school communities
LDSB adheres to the principles of human rights outlined in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Ontario Human Rights Code and provides resources, training opportunities, and support to schools to promote equity and inclusive education. The Board also liaises with community partners to support schools in the implementation of Ontario’s Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy.