2021-2022 Facilities Services Capital Projects

Limestone Learning Foundation
2021-2022 Facilities Services Capital Projects
Posted on 09/26/2022

Over the 2021-2022 school year, the Limestone District School Board Facilities Services Maintenance and Construction teams worked on 223 projects at Limestone schools. With almost $20.9 million budgeted for capital projects through the School Condition and School Renewal funding, the active capital projects were completed, or are being finished at 50 schools across district. Highlights of the projects include:

Schools with Capitol Projects Under the Building Envelope (Windows/Roofing/Cladding): Bayridge Public School, W.J. Holsgrove Public School, Elginburg Public School, Clarendon Central Public School, R.G. Sinclair Public School, Prince Charles Public School, Odessa Public School, J.G. Simcoe Public School, La Salle Secondary, Trudell Public School, Rideau Public School, Rideau Heights Public School, and Polson Park Public School.

Clarendon Central Public School had PVC Membrane Roofing installed. This project added less weight to the roof, is more energy efficient (known as a cool roof), is environmentally friendly as it is recyclable, and is easily replaced as it is much less disruptive to the school occupants.
Clarendon Public School

Schools with Capitol Projects Under the Mechanical Projects: Ernestown Secondary School, Granite Ridge Education Centre, The Prince Charles Public School, J.R. Henderson Public School, Odessa Public School, Polson Park Public School, Centreville Public School, Central Public School, and Fairfield Elementary School.

Centreville Public School had the building’s HVAC system replaced which included a boiler replacement, fuel conversion from oil to propane, addition of classroom ventilation units which provide cooling, heating, ventilation to each classroom, reducing use of the main heating plant in the spring and fall shoulder seasons, as well as an electrical upgrade.

Schools with Capitol Projects Under the Mechanical Projects:

Schools with Capitol Projects Under Interior Improvements: Several schools had interior improvements completed including, but not limited to replacement of worn-out components, improved accessibility for students, staff, and families, improvements to classroom experiences, and to support program changes and school needs, as identified in their Facility Improvement Plans.

Perth Road Public School had a renovation project that provides a better layout, controls noise, and improves accessibility by adding contrasting nosing and tactile warning strips to open stairs.

Perth Road Public Schools

Central Public School’s gymnasium floor was redone, as well as the ceiling and lighting.

Central Public School

Katarokwi Learning Centre moved to the Limestone Education Centre to a newly renovated learning kitchen space.

Katarokwi Learning Centre
Routine summer clean up work occurred across all Limestone sites throughout the summer months, and our Board is very thankful to the Operations Team, including both supervisors and school custodians who complete deep cleaning and organizing every summer, so our schools are ready to welcome students and staff returning in the fall.

Summer Operational Work

Site projects were completed at several schools, including Selby Public School, Tamworth Public School, Newburg Public School, L.C.V.I, Cataraqui Woods Elementary School, North Addington Education Centre, Bayridge Public School, Napanee District Secondary School, Prince Charlies Public School, Lancaster Public School, Ecole Maple Elementary School, J.R. Henderson Public School, Polson Park Public School, Centennial Public School, and Granite Ridge Education Centre. Many of the projects were years into the planning process, and addressed storm water management, drainage, and grading issues, replacement of worn-out components, as well as a major focus on improved accessibility (removing any obstacles and improving safety for everyone). While site improvements are underway, the Facilities Team takes the opportunity to enhance the school and student use of the outdoors, such as adding outdoor classrooms, improving playground surfaces, and walkways.

Site Improvement Projects

Site Projects
Site Projects

A big thank you to the entire Facilities Services Team who worked so hard over the last number of months to complete all these updates and projects at schools across Limestone. These projects wouldn’t be possible or successful without the collaboration, cooperation, and patience from school staff and administrators. Planning is already underway for the 2022-2023 school year, and we are very excited for what is to come.

The Limestone District School Board is situated on traditional territories of the Anishinaabe & Haudenosaunee.