Special Air Quality Statement

Limestone Learning Foundation
Special Air Quality Statement
Posted on 06/06/2023
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UPDATE: JUNE 6, 2023 11:47   A.M.

In consultation with KFL&A Public Health, LDSB will be cancelling all outdoor extra-curricular activities and sporting events for the remainder of the day due to worsening air quality in the region, and students will remain indoors until dismissal. Students that were on route or have arrived at events will now be directed back to their schools.  

Air quality within LDSB schools is being monitored and precautions will be taken. Existing HEPA units within schools will be used. 

Sporting events, like EOSSA and Special Olympics will look to reschedule or move indoors.

We will continue to monitor the situation and consult with KFL& A Public Health regarding outdoor activities and athletic events tomorrow and update schools and families as information changes.

Environment Canada

KFL&A Public Health – https://www.kflaph.ca/en/health-topics/extreme-weather.aspx

POSTED June 6, 2023 9;10 a.m.
Yesterday, KFL&A Public Health released an air quality advisory due to forest fires burning in surrounding areas in Ontario and Quebec. Given public health has issued recommendations for monitoring and managing breathing while outdoors, regular school activities, and athletic events will proceed.  We will continue to work with Public Health in monitoring local air quality. 

Staff will continue to closely monitor students as those with pre-existing medical conditions (e.g. asthma, heart conditions, etc.) may be more susceptible to breathing difficulties as a result of poor air quality. Schools will make accommodations for students to remain indoors, as requested.

Staff will continue to monitor the activity level of students outside to ensure that none are being negatively impacted by the poor air quality. 

Athletes and coaches participating in EOSSA events will take breaks in indoor spaces as per the Environment Canada recommendation.  Special Olympics events are being moved indoors at several facilities.

We will continue to monitor alerts, and will be in contact with Public Health.

The Limestone District School Board is situated on traditional territories of the Anishinaabe & Haudenosaunee.