Code of Conduct

Limestone Learning Foundation

Schools need to be a place that promotes responsibility, respect, civility, and academic excellence in a safe learning and teaching environment. A positive school climate exists when all members of the school community feel safe, included, and accepted, and actively promote positive behaviours and interactions.

The Limestone District School Board is outlined in Administrative Procedure 350: Codes of Conduct, and is based on the Provincial Code of Conduct and is based on standards of behaviour and safety.

These standards of behaviour apply to students whether they are on school property, on school buses, at school-related events or activities, or in other circumstances that could have an impact on the school climate. They also apply to all individuals involved in the publicly funded school system – principals, teachers, other school staff, parents, volunteers, and community groups.

All school principals will establish local Codes of Behaviour for their schools governing the behaviour of all persons in the school. The local code must be consistent with the Provincial Code of Conduct and the Board’s Code of Conduct, as well as with the requirements of Policy/Program Memorandum 128: Provincial Code of Conduct. School Codes of Behaviour may take into account local circumstances which apply to a particular school. School Codes of Behaviour shall be developed cooperatively with staff, students and parent(s)/guardian(s), and shall conform to relevant administrative procedures of the Board.

The Limestone District School Board is situated on traditional territories of the Anishinaabe & Haudenosaunee.