Community Use of Schools (school rentals)

Limestone Learning Foundation

The Community Use of Schools program is now open to all categories in both our elementary schools and secondary schools for the 2022/23 school year.  

If you wish to submit an application to book space in one of our schools, please follow the link below:

Apply for Community Use of Schools by clicking HERE

The Limestone District School Board recognizes that local groups and organizations have purposes and activities which are of social and educational value to communities in the district. It also recognizes that, in many communities, school buildings provide the only suitable meeting places for such groups to pursue their activities. Community Use of School Facilities is governed by Board Policies.

Community Use of Schools is an initiative between the Board and the Ministry of Education that supports access to school space outside of school hours for not-for-profit community groups. The Community Use of Schools initiative has eliminated fees for many not-for-profit youth groups and greatly reduced fees for other groups as well. Please contact the Community Use of Schools office to learn more about short-term availability of schools.

Early Years Accommodation in Schools

In March 2017, the Ministry of Education established a Working Group on Accommodation Costs in Schools, comprised of membership from school boards, Consolidated Municipal Service Managers/District Social Services Administration Boards (CMSMs/DSSABs), and early years service providers. The Working Group on Early Years Accommodations Costs in Schools was tasked with providing advice and recommendations to the Ministry on school-based child care and EarlyON Centre accommodation cost transparency and methodology as well as best practices related to sustainability for early years providers in schools.

The Working Group has completed its term, and the Ministry is releasing the Working Group's Early Years Accommodation in Schools Reference Guide. The Reference Guide will help to support and improve the government's approach to early years accommodation cost transparency and methodology, as well as best practices related to sustainability for early years providers, in schools.

Representative from the Ontario Association of School Business Officials (OASBO), building on work from the 21st Century School Fund and the University of California-Berkley's Center for Cities and Schools, developed a Community Use of Schools Facility Cost Recovery Pricing Model to support the determining of evidence-based lease rates that are transparent and accountable. The model has been adapted for early years programs. School boards are encouraged to use the OASBO developed model, or another similar mechanism, to help inform evidence-based, transparent costs of occupying school buildings or premises for early years programs.

Contact Us
CUS Coordinator
Marie Lam

Monday - Friday
7:30 am to 3:30 pm

Note: in person visits are not encouraged.

[email protected]

Phone Image 613-544-6925 ext. 31312

The Limestone District School Board is situated on traditional territories of the Anishinaabe & Haudenosaunee.