The Communications Department is the starting point for reporters interested in covering stories and issues within the Limestone District School Board. Communications will ensure your request is directed to the most appropriate person for action. Communications' work is governed in part by Administrative Procedure 150: Communications.
Media must contact Communications for:
Interviews with students and/or school staff;
Interviews with school board staff;
Interviews with school board trustees;
School access; and
Photography, audio or video recording on school or school board property.
School and board administrators are generally not available outside of regular business hours (8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday). Communications will follow up on requests outside of these hours on the next business day. Communications will make every effort to provide requested information prior to the media's deadline.
School access
To protect the safety and privacy of our students and staff, members of the media are required to contact Communications before coming onto school property. All members of the media must be escorted at all times while on school property by a member of Communications or a school designate. Media should only be on school property with the prior knowledge and approval of Communications. Unescorted media will be asked to leave the premises. Media must wear valid identification of their employer while on school property and be prepared to produce it when asked.
Members of the media must adhere to school board policies and procedures while on school or school board property including Administrative Procedure 160: Access to Schools.
Interviewing students and staff
Members of the media must notify Communications before attempting to interview, photograph, audio tape or video tape a student or staff member.
If the media wishes to interview and/or photograph, audio tape or video tape one of our students, written consent must be obtained in advance. In order for us to release personal information about students, we require students and/or their legal guardians to complete a Freedom of Information of Consent Form (required to comply with the provisions of the Municipal Freedom of Information & Protection of Privacy Act). Special interview request may require additional consent from students and/or their legal guardian(s). Permission shall also be obtained before publication of student creative works.
If the media wishes to interview and/or photograph, audio tape or video tape one of our staff, verbal consent must first be obtained.