Secondary eLearning Opportunities

Limestone Learning Foundation

Secondary eLearning Opportunities 
Welcome to the Limestone District School Board’s Secondary eLearning overview. Please note that the Secondary Virtual School will not run in the 2024-2025 school year!

Students and/or Families interested in eLearning options for their child are asked to reach out to the Guidance Department of their home school. Students are able to register in up to 8 eLearning classes per year and this can be faciliated through your school guidance department. 

Co-Chair - Ethel Kozliner - Secondary Virtual School

Technical Resources/Support

Students and parents/guardians are asked to please review the video conferencing guides (right-hand menu) in advance. Students and families are also encouraged to review the Technical Support document (right-hand menu) and visit the Virtual School/Remote Learning Technology Support webpage If students are having difficulty logging in, are new to Limestone, or require technical support, please contact our ITS team at 613-417-3559 Monday to Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.


It is recommended that you have access to a device that has a working camera and microphone so that students can participate during virtual meetings. A Chromebook, laptop (PC or Mac), desktop computer or tablet/iPad are all suitable devices. If you do not have access to a device, please reach out to your home school.

Click here to access Minds Online D2L platform for virtual learners.
School Based Mental Health and Wellness

Daily Schedule
LDSB Secondary Virtual School will operate on the same quadmester system as in-person learning. Students will take one course all morning (8:30-11 a.m.) and one course all afternoon (12-2:30 p.m.).
Contact Us
Bryan Lambert, Principal of Alternative & Continuing Education, LDSB Virtual Schools
Adam Andrecyk, Vice-Principal of Alternative & Continuing Education, LDSB Virtual Schools
Phone Image 613-542-7369
Email Image email virtual school
Image of Twitter icon Follow us on Twitter

The Limestone District School Board is situated on traditional territories of the Anishinaabe & Haudenosaunee.