The Education Centre and all schools across the Limestone District School Board are recognizing Pride Month in KFL&A by flying the for the month of June.
In addition to the 6 colors of the original Rainbow Flag, this flag includes five arrow-shaped lines acknowledging groups that have been historically left out of Pride events. The black and brown stripes represent members of the Black, Indigenous, and racialized 2SLGBTQ+* communities. The pink, light blue, and white stripes incorporate the colours of the Transgender Pride flag. The purple circle and yellow triangle represent the Intersex community.
Many students, staff, families, and community members identify as members of the community. We fly the Progress Pride flag, engage in inclusive programming, and hold events to demonstrate our commitment to ensuring that everyone not only sees themselves in Limestone but also feels a strong sense of belonging and connectedness.
This is consistent with the Ontario Human Rights Code which protects marginalized groups from discrimination and harassment. We want everyone who learns, works, or volunteers in our school board to feel safe and supported, valued, and seen.
schools are committed to providing all students with a positive school climate. We know that when students feel safe and supported in a healthy, accepting, and welcoming school climate, they have greater success.
This Pride Month Newsletter provides information and resources to help us all grow in our understanding of how we can be allies in our community.
The Government of Canada indicates that the manner in which the Canadian flag is displayed in Canada is not governed by legislation. The rules applied by the government are not mandatory for individuals or organizations, they simply serve as guidelines.
The board has confirmed with Heritage Canada that where schools or education centres only have one mast/flagpole, it is acceptable to fly the Progress Pride flag beneath the Canadian flag. Showing our support for 2SLGBTQ+ does not diminish our respect for the Nation’s flag.
Join LDSB staff, students, and families at both the Napanee Pride Parade June 3 and the Kingston Pride Parade June 17. Everyone is welcome.
*2SLGBTQ + refers to Two Spirit, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer or Questioning. The + refers to people who identify as Intersex, Asexual, or an Ally.