The Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) has released its report on the 2022–2023 provincial assessments for publicly funded school boards in Ontario. Results for the Limestone District School Board are similar to provincial results with achievement across some levels continuing to improve, remaining stable or experiencing a decline.
The elementary school report provides assessments of Reading, Writing and Mathematics written by students in Grades 3 and 6. The secondary school report provides similar information relating to the Grade 9 Assessment of Mathematics and the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test. The EQAO assessments have undergone significant changes, with the newest digital assessments offered entirely online through a digital platform for students over the past two years.
“We recognize the interruption in learning over the past 3 years has had an impact on students,” reports Krishna Burra, Director of Education. “We will continue to work together to close gaps in those areas of achievement, while paving the way for continued growth moving forward.”
Grade 6 student achievement in Limestone continues to improve with 77% meeting the provincial standard in reading and 75% in writing – up 5% and 4% respectively compared to the previous five-year average. In math, there was a 2% increase compared to the previous five-year average with 37% meeting the standard over last year.
“We are committed to focusing on making sure students are learning essential skills while also increasing student engagement to support students’ achievement. Furthermore, we will continue using this data to support rich learning environments for every student,” says Director Burra. As an example, this year schools will continue to receive the support of Literacy coaches and Math Based Facilitators (elementary), and Instructional coaches (secondary). Schools have also received rich instructional resources to support evidence-based literacy and math programming K-12.
As was the case provincially, Grade 3 student achievement saw a decrease in Limestone with 59% meeting the provincial standard in reading, 47% in writing, and 43% in math. “This new data shows a significant decline in math achievement over the last few years and that is concerning,” states Burra. “Central and school staff will dig deeper into the data for a better understanding, and this will be the focus in schools this year.”
Of significant note, is the continued gains in achievement in Grade 6 reading, writing, and mathematics made by Limestone students with special education needs.
“It is important to remember that results are a snapshot in time,” adds Director Burra, “Boards combine EQAO results with report card grades, classroom assessment, and student voice to provide a complete picture of student knowledge so we can move forward and implement strategies that will ensure all students are given the supports they need to succeed.”
Over the coming weeks, principals will share school results with their school communities and will analyze the results in detail to identify next steps.
2023 Results
Primary Assessment (administered in Grade 3):
Area of Assessment
Junior Assessment (administered in Grade 6):
Area of Assessment
Grade 9 Mathematics Assessment:
Results for the first year of Grade 9 de-streamed math in Limestone are slightly lower compared to the provincial results. For all participating students in the Grade 9 math assessment, 51% achieved the provincial standard in Limestone and 54% achieved the provincial standard provincially. Grade 9 math results improved 6% as compared to last year. Results for students with special education needs achieving the provincial standard are higher than the province at 31% for Limestone compared to 28% for the province.
Grade 9 Mathematics Assessment
Grade 9 Math Course
“We have, and will continue, to make early literacy and math teaching and learning as well as gap closing a priority among our staff and students,” says Director Burra. “Early identification of students who are not meeting literacy and numeracy expectations continues to be a focus as we continue to support all students.”
Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (administered in Grade 10):
This year, 92% of first-time eligible students wrote the test in Limestone, compared to 93% of students in the province. With this high participation rate, 79% of all students were successful, an increase of 3% compared to the 2021/22 school year and a higher rate overall compared to the five-year average success rate prior to the start of the pandemic.
OSSLT results for students with special education needs showed an improvement of 2% this year, with 59% of Limestone students being successful on the assessment.
Grade 10 OSSLT
Participation rate
Success rate
Students who are not successful on their first attempt are eligible to rewrite the test the following year, as previously eligible students, or to meet the literacy requirement by taking the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Course.
Students in all publicly funded schools in Ontario are required to write provincial assessments, administered by EQAO, a provincial body that tests students’ skills in literacy in Grades 3, 6, and 10 and math skills in Grades 3, 6, and 9 in relation to Ontario Curriculum expectations. Successful completion of the literacy requirement is one of the requirements to earn an Ontario Secondary School Diploma.