The Limestone District School Board supports and encourages cooperative and collaborative partnerships for facility sharing as part of the foundation of a strong, vibrant and sustainable publicly-funded education system. As such, Board Policy 20: Community Planning and Partnerships is intended to encourage the sharing of planning information with community organizations in order to provide for opportunities to work together to the benefit of student achievement and safety, the community and the Board.
Where available space has been identified for partnership opportunities, the following principles will be the primary consideration when identifying suitable partnerships:
Partnerships will not compromise the health and safety of Limestone students and staff;
Partnerships will not compromise the student achievement strategy of the Board;
Partnerships will respect the values of the Board;
Partnerships will improve services and supports available to the students and community in which the school is located;
Partnerships will reduce facility operating costs for school boards and government;
Partnerships will maximize the use of public infrastructure through increased flexibility and utilization;
Partnerships will strengthen relationships between the Board and community partners and the public.
Operation and maintenance of the space will be carried out by the Board on a cost-recovery basis to the partner. Any renovations required by the partner to effectively use the space must be approved by the Board and paid for by the partner.
Community Planning and Partnership Annual Meeting
The Board Policy provides for an annual meeting of the Board’s community partners to promote two-way communication concerning the LDSB’s Long-Term Accommodation Plan, opportunities for the use of underutilized space, and the facility and space plans of our partners. A list of potential partnership sites will also be available for discussion at consultation meetings and will be updated on an ongoing basis.
Community partners, as outlined in Administrative Procedure 551: Community Planning and Partnerships/Notification List, invited to attend include:
All applicable levels of municipal government (single, upper, lower tiers);
Applicable District Social Services Administration Board(s) or Consolidated Municipal Service Manager(s); and
Applicable Public Health Boards, Local Health Integration Networks and Children’s Mental Health Centres.
If your organization is not listed in the Administrative Procedure, and you believe that your association falls under one of the groups listed above, please contact Nancy Traynor or call 613-544-6925 ext. 305 or 1-800-267-0935 ext. 305.